Is your attic or basement full of clutter? Or is it a spare bedroom,
overflowing closet, a packed garage? Many households acquire a plethora of
items over time. Eventually you may find yourself saturated in clutter. Without
a place for each item to go, clutter can creep up and quickly take over a
Before you purchase a dumpster and toss it all in frustration, consider
working through what you own to find gems in what may be perceived as junk. More
than likely some of the items cluttering your home could be of moderate to
great value and waiting for a new home.
There are a few items you may want to look for that could sell well in
an online auction or estate sale.
- Brand-Name Clothing or accessories
- Vintage Pyrex and collectible glassware
- Items still in the box or with a tag (especially
brand name)
- Sports Equipment
- Electronics (especially tablets)
- Collectible figurines
- Furniture made of real wood
- Older furniture by coveted designers
- Vintage Lamps
- Vintage picture frames
- Vintage atlas, globes, or maps
- Old cameras and lenses
- Sports memorabilia
- Vintage music players and boxes
- Antique or well-made fine and costume jewelry
- Paintings, sculptures, pottery by celebrated
You can spot items that are quality made and may retain greater value
by looking at the materials used to make the item. Some things to look for
- Hardwood
- Item’s made of natural
materials or natural fibers
- Woven tags in clothing
- 100%-leather shoes or
shoes marked “leather upper”
- Steel or solid wood
furniture frames
If you are unsure of an item’s value, here are a few ways to tell if it
may be worth a look from an expert, like our Caring Transitions Estate Sale and
Online Auction specialists:
- Check for distinctive markings
- Research items similarly made online
- Research the artist or designer who created the
Some of the most recent top selling items on our CTBids.com platform
include cars, classic cars, vintage and costume jewelry, farm equipment, rare
furnishings, rare art, rugs sculptures. Learn more about hosting an online
auction with Caring Transitions by filling out the free consultation form on
this page.
Looking for a unique diamond in the rough? Register on CTBids.com today and search great deals on tons of statement piece items. Follow these three easy steps:
1. Go to CTBids.com and click register.
2. Complete your personal and billing information.
3. Complete mobile verification.
It's that easy! The process is seamless, simple and secure.